The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "U・izakaya house"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 17829mm × 7989mm

The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Floating Plateau"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 4000 mm × 1440mm

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The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Sim-Plex Afflatus"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 3125mm x 1250mm


The installation art project by Sim-Plex Founder Patrick in MAFA CUHK graduation show

Type: Mixed Media Installation

Size: 2300mm (H) x 800mm(W) x 350mmm(D)


The first installation art project by Sim-Plex founder Patrick in JCCAC exhibition

Type: Mixed Media Installation including ‘IKEA’ hanging racks, yarn and stretchable laundry stick

Size: 400mm x 1800mm


The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Smart Zendo"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 5994mm × 3796mm


The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Bay House"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 4677mm × 3493mm

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The Digital Transformation Drawing of Hong Kong Hawker Stall

Type: Mixed Media

Size: 4700 mm ×  4700mm


The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Pretty House In Pink"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 8044mm × 2946mm


The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "Deep Blue Valentine"

- Type: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 3123mm × 1850mm

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The Collage Digital Drawing for Project "324 Gallery"

- Material: Mixed Digital Media

- Size: 4961 mm × 2937mm